
Why the pseudonym Crazed?

This came from a number of years back when I was an avid Counter-Strike player, and thought it was funny to knife people rather than shoot them. I was named crazed-knife-wielding-maniac back then. I joined the WTF clan run by some mates, and found the long typing rather tedious when changing nicknames! So crazed-knife-wielding-manic gradually got shortened down to crazed.

Coding background

I have been coding since I was young, around the same time as when I learnt to ride a bike. I have experience in high level and low level languages, from 68k assembly to Prolog. Previously as a young hobbyist, I created fancy little programs with AmigaE and Blitz Basic (writing modules in 68k assembly yeah!), and later on, tools in Delphi and yet more x86 machine code hacking.

These days, I am likely to be found working with PHP/MySQL, creating backend intranet systems with object-oriented code with emphasis on scalability, security and adaptability. I also can be found writing semantic XHTML code with CSS-based layouts.

My academic background is in databases and software engineering (which means I eat large complex SQL statements for breakfast these days!). I graduated with a degree in BSc Computer Science from Aston University in Birmingham.

Mini-code-bio timeline

Aged 7

Commodore 64. Taught myself BASIC
Learnt to ride the bike
Learnt to use chopsticks

1991 – 1995 (Aged 9)

First Amiga
Played with AMOS & later on more seriously, Blitz Basic
First encounter with data structures


68K assembly fun
Amiga E
First exposure to C
First foray into OOP
Created a music player app with more sophisticated playlist support than any other available at the time!


Playing Warcraft 2 multiplayer on the home PC network, using 10BASE2 ethernet!
x86 assembly fun


First self built ‘Wintel’ PC.
Exposure to Pascal via college
Foray into the world wide web
First web site. Perl scripting.


The years of Starcraft disassembly, analysis, live debuggers, and extending.
Created the StarEx editor and various other tools to extend the datastructures in Starcraft.
Finish A-Levels


Studied at Aston University

Since 2003, now

Specialising in PHP5 / MySQL backend coding.
Secondarily, frontend HTML/CSS/Javascript coding.
Listening to music.
Writing this.

Work timeline


Work experience at Procal Analytics


Work experience at some computer company


Work placement at Webxpress (now part of WAA)


Consulting for DDC Ltd.
Developing watertight frontend and backend systems working with sensitive data.


Contact me at fai@crazed.org.uk if you need a project done.