BBC iPlayer greasemonkey script update v2.0

I’ve taken the liberty to rewrite the greasemonkey script to handle the new iPlayer layout. I’ve taken a different approach to this by injecting a stylesheet inline and toggling it on. Various videos did not have the ‘Pop-out’ player option, so I’ve added a button to enable/disable this feature in the top-right TV favourites panel. I’m sure most of you will find this works well enough to not use the pop-out option!

Install/update greasemonkey, install/update the iplayer script, browse to iPlayer, choose a film, toggle it on, and press F11 to set your browser to full screen 🙂

I have only tested this in FF3.6 but assuming xPath support is consistant among Firefox versions it should work as long as you have greasemonkey installed.

@See the original post.

BBC iPlayer greasemonkey script

I use the BBC iPlayer. Every so often. It’s pretty good.

Only problem on my system is that the iPlayer does not like staying fullscreened on one monitor if I need to use the other screen (same issue with all other flash viewers it seems). Next best alternative is to view the video in the pop-out window; unfortunately, the window is rather small. Rather than try to fix the fullscreen issue, I found that adjusting the flash object dimensions manually did the trick. This does get rather tedious, but luckily, I have Greasemonkey installed.

Writing this was quite straightforward: this is a simple script which resizes the pop-out window to a nice size (HD-ready view of 1280×720), and allows you to resize the player by resizing the window (big criticism of the default behaviour).The bulk of the code is along these lines:

player.width = 1280;
player.height = 834;    // 720 + 114px of iPlayer chrome
resizeToPlayer(player);    //window.resizeTo(1286,916)
window.addEventListener('resize', function() { resizeToWindow(player); }, true);

Install Greasemonkey if not already (Firefox only), and install this script from the page.